
Molly Moore looks like the type of girl who would tell you off, slap you, then finish it all with a french kiss. Her newest single “No Stress” is packed full of mixed signals (or perhaps I am just projecting).

“You're a hidden treasure
You know there's no pressure
I'll do this forever, for for forever”

Hey ma, how am I supposed to take the “no pressure” part seriously when you’re telling me I’m a hidden treasure and that you’ll do this for for forever? Seems kinda contradictory, no?

Not to mention the person behind these words looks like this.


money. fame. power. they - don’t - matter

A post shared by Molly Moore (@mollymoore) on Mar 7, 2018 at 4:15pm PST


Yeah this is all above my pay grade. You’re saying “no stress” a lot, but I am freaking out over here. Did I mention I have commitment issues? Is it obvious? Just be VERY clear with me, is this forever-ever, or just some non-strings-attached fun? 'Cause it seems like you’ve been suggesting that you’re open to both and I’m having a hard time keeping up.

What!?!?! It appears this is just a dance pop song with EDM leanings and isn’t about me at all.

That’s reassuring.

And it’s a really good song, regardless.

Still feels like it's about me though.



“Life is better with horns” would a great slogan for a campaign to save endangered rhinos, but also acts as a good rule of thumb for pop music. In “No Stress” they’re used to perfection. Completely absent in the first minute of the song before slowing building on the back-end of the first chorus, then exploding to the forefront for an unforgettable hook. From there they accent the second verse to keep the song’s newly added pulse chugging along. They take over the song again on the chorus before carrying its to a swelling conclusion. A sonic riding off into the sunset, if you will.

Fantastic composition work here. Respect the details and craftsmanship folks.

Anyways, it appears Molly Moore is the type of gal who can enjoy things for what they are in the moment, while realizing their future potential without letting it consume her. Kudos. Along with being emotionally-mature and well-adjusted, she’s and emerging pop singer in her own right, as well as one-half of Cosmos & Creature.  Her music is available on Soundcloud, iTunes, Spotify, and probably a few other places. Ms. Moore is also very online so be sure to check out all her socials.

And while you’re at it, listen to those horns again.

Calvin Paradise is not any one thing. The half-hearted vagabond and forgetful luddite currently resides in Los Angeles and how he spends his time is none of your damned business.