New Chill Indie Finds: Mmoths


Who is Mmoths? Oh just another Irish teen getting twitter love from Flying Lotus, about to release his debut EP and just graduating from high school. You know, standard.

He started making music in his bedroom and posting it online last winter when he got sick of playing in the snow with his little friendys. Within months, he was getting emails from the likes of XL Records. Some Irishmen have all the luck! Wait… maybe that’s just all of them.

Anyways, Mmoths is something like ambient chillwave? It’s not as melodic as most chillwave wants to be; it’s more like a lovely, warm cocoon of electronica. He is excellent at creating a LUSH aural environment that’s going to take you on a ride. Maybe to his bedroom in Ireland. Kidding, he’s too young for me!

This track, “Hearts” features fellow up-and-comers Keep Shelly in Athens. It’s some white noise, a fuzzed-out vocal sample and drum machine all overlaid with Sarah’s, from Keep Shelly in Athens, gorgeous vocals.


Mmoths’ latest, “Summer,” showcases ethereal, mind-blowing vocals courtesy of Superhumanoids, complete with a steel drum sounding sample. This is the one to blast driving with the top down on a long drive up the coast. Summer! (Is it here yet?? Not that I have much to complain about when it’s basically here all year down in So Cal.)


If you’re digging those, there’s lots more on his Soundcloud! Including some remixes of Bon Iver, Pashy Pit, and Interpol. Hey Mmoths, hurry up with that EP, eh?

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