POLL: Azealia Banks' New Year's Resolution?
We just flipped our Haim calendar over to January, so it is time to make some of those goddamn New Year's resolutions. Dear 2013, BitCandy solemnly swear to be more accepting of average indie music...NOT!
Even over hyped and under achieving rap stars like Azealia Banks need to make New Year's resolutions, everybody. So, following the success of our “What Should Santa Claus Buy Lana Del Rey for Christmas” Facebook poll (Spoiler: A pussy that tastes like Pepsi Cola), we took to Mark Zuckerberg's cyber empire yet again to ask our readers: “What Should Be Azealia Banks' New Year's Resolution?”
In 2013, Kevin Centeno says Azealia should “fire her lawyer...again.” But, Kevin, Banks will need somebody to fight all her plagiarism cases this year!
Alan Aguiilar thinks Azealia must “remember to turn back that 15 minute timer.” Tick tock, tick tock - your 15 minutes of fame is running out, Banks! You had better man up and write a decent song before we forget about you like we forgot about that fart to the wind called Kreayshawn. Seriously, is this all you got?
Isaac Reyna and 5 others suggest Azealia should “fire her manager...again.” So, Banks reminds us of that shitty burger joint downtown. Every week, it is “Under New Management.” Just accept it, Burgers R Us: “It's over, Johnny, IT'S OVER!”
Raven Rautio and 15 others say Azealia should “start another beef.” But Banks is already an expert at keeping her names in the headlines by riding on the back of an artist much bigger than her!
Mario Silva and 19 others think Azealia should “maybe release an album...finally.” But BitCandy say, “Go ahead Azealia, delay Broke With Expensive Taste again...and again...and again...and again...basically until we turn 80 and lose the capacity to hear it?!”
But with an overwhelming 58 votes, YOU decided Azealia Banks' New Year's resolution should be...drum roll...“write another 'area code' song!” How about “502”? “This one's for you, North Kentucky!” Hey, Banks, you can have that. Well, it wouldn't be the first time you have stolen someone else's goods, eh?
Azealia Banks has a whole year left to fulfil her New Year's resolution, so if you have another suggestion, let us know through the Facebook page. Oh, and feel free to “like” us while you are there...even you, Azealia! We know you are reading this!
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