Best of Weekly Indie - Week 20 2012



Oy!  It’s Week 20 of our Best of Indie from LA Music Blog, BitCandy.   What’s the latest?  Oh, Obama comes to our town last week to hang with Batman, IronMan and Spiderman and messes up traffic (again). about giving back to the Los Angelites stuck in mega gridlock so you can raise a buck.  How about inviting BitCandy!  Yes!  Oh the meantime I was stuck in the car treating myself to tirelessly going through lame indie bands to bring you the 12 “presidentially-approved-thumbs-up-get-creamy” BitCandy indie bangers. Here we go:



Silversun Pickups - Here We Are (Chancer)



Silversun Pickups - Out Of Breath



Thinking about buying the new Silversun Pickups?  Before you are our 2 favs.  I’m still deciding if this was album was a bust or not (besides these 2 beauties).


Indian Wells - Deuce (CD out in June)



Some very nice ambient vibes compliments of Bad Panda Records (no relation to Bad Robot Films).




Gossip Music - Move In The Right Direction



Proving once again that plump chicks a) can rock and b) can be hot.   



Men - Who Am I to Feel So Free



What a difference a preposition makes.  You’ve got Men (female indie synth lesbian big lyric themes) and then The Men (male indie rock guitar explosions)… pretty huge difference.  One thing they both have in common...they’re both awesome. As well as Obama for endorsing gay rights. Thought I'd share this one from a year ago.  Check out another gay anthem from J.D. Samson here with one of our favorites "Viz" back in his/her Le Tigre days.




Exitmusic - "The Night" 



Secretly Canadian is giving me lots to get excited Exitmusic … (but also a great band like The Trust who we tipped and very much love here).  Too bad Secretly Canadian can’t seem to sell more than 2,500 album per release most of the time but let’s hope it’s different for Exitmusic.




Exitmusic - "The Modern Age"



Our all time fan favorite Exitmusic song.  Album out May you’ll have to wait all the way til then if you wanna buy it.  




Beach House - Myth



This new Beach House album has a lot of buzz.  Subpop keeps delivering...what’d you expect?  




T O R C H E S - I Want Something



Check out LA band, Torches. They’re releasing our 1st album later this month and it’s very good! 



Gossip - Perfect World (RAC Mix)



Is it any wonder RAC is one of our favorite remixers?  Always getting the “juice” out of the song and making sure to also respect it at the same time.  Respect the juice!!




Over The Ocean



Really do I need to make a remark about every song?  Well OK.



Passion Pit - Take a Walk



Passion Pit graced us with this one and how can it not be in the weekly best of summary? 




Thanks for checking our these tracks and visiting our LA Music Blog.  Maybe Obama will give us a break and stick more around to parts of Omaha, Nebraska, St. Louis, Missouri and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  But...hmm....probably not since there aren’t any super heroes there.  (for the record...if i was a voting person i would vote for B.O. despite the traffic havocs). 


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