New Indie Finds: Mr. Gnome


New Finds: Mr. Gnome. Written by Reeno Buzzhawke. Curated by Damon Dixon

Just when you think they're gonna get all Beach Housian and just digi-drum and reverb wash the shit out of a good thing, this Cleveland boy-girl duo bloom textures in flowering spades, Land of Talk howls here, Drug Rug psych pop there and one-off vocal loop harmonies with these crystalline twisted off-kilter peaks that tan and burn at the same time:

Dig deeper and the riffs get treacherous, their penchant for evil bunny ephemera just sucks you into a filthy hole and soon enough you're smacking your dashboard hissing kooky punk rock-isms about hearing "voices breathe underwater" over kazoo fills and tortured eBow sacrifices umbrellaed under an album dubbed Madness in Miniature. Ah, the smell of rock moving forward:


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