New Finds: The Child
New Finds: The CHILD written by Jesse
Another week, another great up-and-coming electronic band out of Los Angeles, but this one is four years in the making. The Child is anything but naïve, as they write songs from the (broken) heart. The heavy synth and doom-producing bass drips in atmosphere, often creating a slightly bombastic hollow tunnel that the music travels through.
From song to song, the band explores sulkier avenues of love, hate, and drinking away both. It's not all doom and gloom, though, as the Los Angeles band provides enough danceability to make sure you get your money's worth in the live arena, a setting in which the simple two-piece grows into a quartet for maximum rockage.
"The President" starts with a drum pattern reminiscent to a Nine Inch Nails song, and the accompanying synth noise helps propel that image, until the song kicks into bluesy riffs that could have been a by-product of The Black Keys smoking hashish with the B-52's. The soft-spoken female vocals guide the listener through the story, like a movie trailer, as singer Holly Marilyn reveals her reserved strength: she's not lazy, she's calculated.
"Boomarang" gives off more of a synth-pop vibe, floating around Ladytron territory before dipping into some bass-heavy dance moments. All the while, the lyrics paint a portrait of an abusive relationship that is as tough to leave as it is to stay away from.
"Emotionally, it's hard to get what I need. Am I playing the fool, or is it playing me."
"In the jungle, I swung from tree to tree. Knowing you were so close to catching up to me. What once was lost, cannot be found. Bang bang, boomerang, keep on coming back for more."
LA-famous Norm Block provides both production and drums and it shows, as the electronics and live instruments meld so well together. Their EP is filled with every corner of Marilyn's psyche, from the aforementioned tunes to sappy-starting "Faster," a track that ramps up the tempo with each passing second. Before getting closer to that NIN territory I was talking about, she pulls the reins back and gets the song back into its natural formation.
This is beyond beginning songwriting, but a full album and more time might provide us with one of the better finds from the double-stuffed LA electronic scene.
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