New Artist: Cousin Marnie
Hey guys, glad you could make it. I am a little bit pissed that you've made me wait on you though. We've been here at the coffee joint for at least a hot 15 minutes waiting for your lazy asses to show up and now I'm probably going to have to go to the bathroom, so you're going to have to wait. And instead of having you listen to me take a dumpski, why don't you take the time to meet my Cousin Marnie.
Ok. so maybe she's not my cousin at all, and maybe I've been foolin' ya, but why don't you pretend like she is...better yet, why don't you pretend that she's your cousin! She may seem a bit rough on the edges, but she's sweet once you get to really meet her and although she looks shy, you know she's not. She might be on that slightly darker twinge, but don't be alarmed, she's fine.
At least you've made the good decision to be here at this could be broke and seeking medical advice from 3 blacked out medical students instead of paying for a doctor's consultation...which I never recommend. Things I would never recommend ehhhhh?? how about a tattoo of PSY dancing on your leg??
Mann that's creepy. But I've seen creepier. While no meme related tattoo is ever recommended, I do highly suggest continuing to check out our New Artist and Best New Tracks feeds to keep yourself EDUMUHCATED about dopely fresh artists such as Ms. Marnie.
And heads up to our Curator, Christina T. who turned us on the Cousin Marnie. Ya wanna be a Curator too...check it out here for more infos.