Discovered by We Are: The Guard curator Musical Heartbeat, this newest entry into the musical lexicon features the Zoe Nash and the introduction into her world of “Rather Die.”
If you haven't heard of Zoe Nash, that is okay, because this lady is just beginning her ascent in the realm of popular music. Armed with a raspy, but extremely-distinctive voice, Nash is not your run-of-the-mill singers who all happen to sound too similar to really raise any flags or interest. Her sound is anything but status-quo or even normal. There's some ghost of Macy Gray's career lurking in those pipes. Partnered with some catchy beats, “Rather Die” will probably live on than go six feet under.
Like some sort of 1980s student video done with an analog Handycam, the video seeks to draw us back to those glory days of gold sequins and overly-teased hair. There is some homage, but it is anything but common. Living by the mantra “I'd rather die than be like you”, there isn't thing like Nash that is remotely like any of the other debuting females on the market. It is because of this distinction and deviation that will allow Nash to gain notoriety in this mass-produced and carbon-copy musical market that seems to be populating the Top 40 radio plays. Different is good, and this might be the beginning of something special.