
Normally I’d start this post off with a terrible wisecrack and amp you all up for this week’s best track — but I’m too impressed with this song and respect it too much to do that. Plus, I’m not funny. (And admission is the first step!

Dancer-turned-Singer Leon Else is out here speaking truths about mental health — and honestly, it’s catharsis at its finest. Listen to his new track “Beautiful World” below.


You, reader, are human (hopefully — AIs, get back to work), so I know you know what a bad day feels like. You might know how a bad week feels. And unfortunately for some, you’re familiar with a dull and aching sadness that burrows within your soul for longer than that.

Thankfully, there are millions of songs out in this world that attempt to address this. Hell, put on any Adele track and call it a day. But what no one talks about with depression, that Leon Else so eloquently does in “Beautiful World,” is the anger that comes along with it.

“Beautiful World,” is an intimate piano ballad with an even more personal glimpse into Leon Else’s world, or the lack thereof. “I just can’t see it right now,” is a frank summary of how depression works. Even mores o though, the inability to describe it, to confront it, and the resulting lashings out is a brutally honest portrayal of mental health that we could all stand to empathize with.

“Beautiful World” is streaming on all platforms. Leon Else also released a music video alongside it that will probably make you weep. Fair warning.
