
We’ve been talking about Overcoats for months now. Last time we reported for duty the duo of Hana Elion and JJ Mitchell were in full-on electro-pop mode, shaving their heads for the music video of their album’s debut single, “The Fool.” It was a catchy and spitfire reminder of drum-machine-inspired pseudo riot grrl pop energy, refusing to be told what to do, and sparking off some necessary anger (or at least conversation) into the world. 

Fast-forward a couple of months and these two ladies have a bit more hair on their heads, and a more calming approach to whatever bit of anger had set them off in the first place.  Dual vocals sing about the sky falling, but knowing they’ll get through it. It seems like with this new single “Fire & Fury” they’ve turned the other way and found the light at the end of the tunnel.



This release sees the two singer-songwriters in more of an alt-country vibe that electro-pop.  The lilt of their voice, with a hint of warble, gives these two quite the crossover-pop hit on their hands. This track feels victorious, rising out of the muck and taking back what’s theirs. Their voices working beautifully together, making us here at We Are: The Guard wonder why there aren’t more people singing at the exact same time on the track. Everybody’s switching verses when the real charm is in harmony.

With their EP’s one-two punch of “Fire & Fury,” followed by “The Fool,” Overcoats have cranked out one of the most musically versatile four-song releases in recent memory.  The 3rd and 4th tracks oscillate between both these modes, trying out new techniques in the process. At its core: we’ve got two incredible vocalists writing really killer songs. What more could you ask for? How about a whole album? A massive, globe-trotting tour Yes, sure, but in due time. You can’t rush brilliance.


From deep within the murky depths of the Los Angeles River emerged a creature: 50% raver, 50% comedian, 10% Robotcop. Kurt Kroeber doesn’t own a dog, operates Soundbleed (the world’s only dance party comedy talk show rave), and is down to party with you. Come up some time and say “Hey dude!” But definitely make sure to casually drop the secret Illuminati password.